What is directed panspermia

What is abiogenesis

Directed panspermia is a type of panspermia that implies the deliberate transport of microorganisms into space to be used as introduced species on other astronomical objects.
what is directed panspermia

Panspermia theory

As an alternative to these nineteenth-century mechanisms, we have considered Directed Panspermia, the theory that organisms were deliberately transmitted to the earth by .

Ballistic panspermia

In their seminal paper titled “Directed Panspermia” (), Francis Crick and Leslie Orgel proposed that life was deliberately seeded on Earth by an extraterrestrial .

3 types of panspermia
el, “Directed Panspermia,” Icarus 19 (): Crick later authored the book Life eeded from space under the providential direction of God. Several scientists intellectually aligned with .