Rabbi yochanan ben zakkai biography for kids
When was yohanan ben zakkai born
Yohanan ben Zakkai (Hebrew: יוחנן בן זכאי , 1st century CE), sometimes abbreviated as Ribaz (ריב״ז ) for R abbi Y ohanan b en Z akkai, was one of the Tannaim, an important Jewish sage .
Rabbi yochanan and resh lakish
Yohanan ben Zakkai was a Jewish sage of the first century of the common era, and a primary contributor to the core text of rabbinic Judaism, the Mishnah.
Rabbi yochanan ben zakkai biography for kids pictures
Johanan ben Zakkai, Rabbi: Mishnaic sage, student of Hillel and Shammai, was appointed as the head the Sanhedrin in 50 CE. During the Roman siege on Jerusalem, he .
Rabbi yochanan ben zakkai biography for kids photos
Yochanan ben Zakkai was the youngest and most distinguished disciple of Rabbi Hillel.